ARM GRUP FEROVIAR, through its own design department, offers its clients services in the field of railway infrastructure design, being an authorized supplier of AFER based on the Railway Technical Agreement series AT, no. 108/2020.
Aplication domain:
▣ Railroad infrastructure (embankments, retaining walls, drains, gutters, ditches, geogrids, geotextiles);
▣ Railroad superstructure (railway lines, level crossings, track prism, line underpasses);
▣ Works of art (bridges, footbridges, viaducts, upper and lower passages, walkways and pedestrian tunnels, railway tunnels etc.);
▣ Railway buildings and related installations;
▣ Platforms, awnings, ramps, quays, access roads, technological and intervention;
▣ Metal structures with railway specificity.
Services offered:
◉ Preparation of projects for construction and repair of railway lines;
◉ Preparation of projects for obtaining RTE (Technical Operating Regulations) and AE (Operating Authorization);
◉ Preparation of projects for commissioning railway lines;
◉ Preparation of projects for the abolition of railway lines;
◉ Preparation of projects for line device modifications;
◉ Preparation of projects for communication crossings;
◉ Preparation of projects for railway line repairs.